Finances 2022 

The accounting staff, (paid and voluntary) have spend a great deal of time over the last two years assimilating our accounts into a new diocesan format.  The new format does not fully meet the business arrangements of a large complex parish and the current reports generated do include some inconsistent coding of expenditure where our old codes are not replicated. We hope that by next year the system will be fully bedded in.  To view a summary of the outturn figures for 2021 and the budget for 2022, please see here.

The parish can be congratulated in continuing to support the parish financially, in particular by donating through regular bankers order and use of the digital giving plates at the back of the church.  We have been cautious in re-introducing the normal collection plates. However we cannot be complacent over planned giving; every newly registered parishioner is encouraged to make a planned giving commitment.

The diocese has imposed significantly higher parish charges this year which have been reflected in the budget for 2022. Apart from regular maintenance, ever tighter health and safety requirements impact on the revenue budget. The committee is looking at a number or ways for reducing energy costs including rationalising the number of electricity meters, extending the use of LED bulbs for the church lighting. We will be conducting a campaign to reduce, in particular, heating costs as we approach the autumn and winter.

We are still waiting for the legal formalities for the transfer of ownership of the church building and presbytery to be completed. The Finance Committee decided it was unnecessarily expensive in legal costs to undertake the repairs to the outside of the church when the ownership is undecided.  Once the formalities are completed we will be instructing the architects to prepare tender documents for the recommended works 

If you would like further information about the parish finances, please contact Chris Woodward, Chair of the Finance Committee at
