Canon David Gibbons, our parish priest.
The church is open for Sunday Masses at 8am, 10am, 12noon, 5pm and 8pm Weekday Masses 10am and 6.30pm (Monday to Saturday) Bank Holidays 10 am ONLY Holidays Vigil Mass 6.30 pm the evening before 10 am, 6.30pm and 8pm. The church is open for Private Prayer during weekdays between 10 am and 6.30 pm masses and on Sundays between the 8 am and 8 pm masses. Confessions are available between 10.30 am and 11.30 am on Saturdays only and between 6.00pm and 6.20pm Monday thru Saturday. All services, with the exception of the Sunday 10am Mass, are also currently streamed at
For Parish Pastoral Council minutes please refer to Parish Pastoral Council Documents The minutes up to February 2025 have been published - please read to keep informed
As with us all, the parish is faced with significant additional running costs to heat and maintain our church and halls. Please help to defray our costs by making a one off, or regular donations . All donations can be gift aided. Donations can be made here using debit or credit cards. Alternatively, why not set up a regular standing order through you bank? You can download a form here, or use the bank details on the form to set up an order on line.
If you are new to the parish, we would encourage you to register by clicking here. When your application has been accepted you will receive a welcome pack from our parish priest.
The Sacred Heart Church, in Wimbledon, a Roman Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of Southwark, opened for the first Mass on the Feast of The Sacred Heart 17th June 1887 and until 2014 was served by the Jesuits of the British Province, welcomes you to our website. As one of the largest parishes in England, we hope this site highlights the dynamic community that has been a place of worship for over a century. At the heart of our parish are the many people of all ages who work, study, pray and share their lives together. We invite and encourage you to explore, discover and visit the Sacred Heart.